A review by qu33nofbookz
And Then You Die by Iris Johansen


I guess I must have been reading a different book then everyone else here because I did not like this book at all. Where to start. The first couple of pages make this book look like it will be a thrill, but really it's one very long dragging snooze. The heroine of the story is a bitch with a low IQ and the survival skills of a gnat
SpoilerI would have left her to die right after I met her in the hospital, or in the desert, or just let the assassins kill her.
. The hero who when we first see is written like a smart but efficient man is actually a door mat who upon meeting the heroine has no mind of his own and his brain turned off.
SpoilerHe went from stone cold killer with no emotions to sure what ever you want because you want it and fuck all the rules, logic, the rest of the world.
The bad guy was annoying and pretty much a cliche of the mustache twirling villain who always gets caught and just tries again later. If the heads of the government in this book really ran the world like they do here the US would have been gone a long time ago, how did these people get hired in the first place? The overall plot once revealed
Spoilermutated anthrax and the heroine is the only person who can stop it by using her blood with antibodies
was handled poorly in that it's glossed over and can be quickly fixed by the heroine in just 2 or 3 short days when it took the bad guys over a year to get right. I couldn't relate to any of the characters, they are not well developed and show no growth and the chemistry between them is nill and seems forced and just there because it's following some typical or required outline.
Spoilercomplete and un-necessary sex scene included that we could do without just fine.
I would not recommend this book to any of my friends unless I felt like wasting their time or to be cruel.