A review by cinnabans
No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank


I was sent an ARC in exchange for an honest review about the book. Thank you!

Starting off, this story may give the short but fleeting impression of it being similar to other dystopian novels (especially to a reader who has read quite a bit of dystopia) but as we delve in further chapter by chapter, we realize that it is not necessarily so. While other dystopian novels may seem to be close to impossible or extremely far into the future, this book portrays a world that is uncomfortably close to the path we are on today.

The story opens with the Academy's top pupil - Felix and his life. Void of emotions and the need for basic life necessities like water and food, he is shown to be like most men in that Universe - simply robots in the hands of the Army. But one thing sets him apart from the rest and that is what leads him on an incredible journey to look for the Clockmaster and after receiving a cryptic message from the same.

Enter Astra - a female, much unlike others in a world where females are simply used to provide eggs for artificial insemination in labs. With a past that brings more questions than answers, the two characters come across a library - 'a storehouse of illegal weapons' and what they find inside changes their lives forever.

This story is not necessarily a love story yet, but the direction it is going in is pretty clear.

This book is an interesting fast paced read, which does not drag for too long and yet manages to give us the history of the characters without info dumping on the readers. I cannot wait to see where this series takes us!