A review by alexauthorshay
Marvel's Captain America: Civil War: The Art of the Movie by Jacob Johnston


3.5 stars

Because this is a library book and we have very few copies in circulation, I knew I wasn't going to see this for a while once I returned it because of all the holds. So I felt obligated to actually read it from front to back unlike with some of the other ones. There was a lot more character panels in this one than the others, which was my favorite part, but some of the design changes between costumes are so minute it takes a few minutes of looking to even spy the difference.
I didn't mind the focus on environment so much in this book, because environment clearly played a big part in the plot. Where they fight dictates how they fight and how much damage they do. So it was interesting to learn their motivations for certain things.
I'd like to watch the movie again with all of these little things in mind, like lighting in the underground weapon silo. There are so many things they were looking at, from the costumes, the sets, the lighting, the atmospheres, to even camera angles, that when you watch the movie and it feels so natural it's hard to believe they manipulated everything to be carefully chosen.