A review by issysarchives
Anna and the Swallow Man by Gavriel Savit


Now don't get my wrong this is a great book, I loved the way it was written, I love that it didn't seem to follow a "beginning, middle and end" structure, and was simply a snippet of a few people lives over a few years. I loved that something would happen every so often and because the relationship you have with the characters is purposefully built up, any danger has your heart in your mouth. This book made me laugh, it did not make me cry, it was not sad, but it made me melancholy and empathetic. It made me think of the war differently. The ending, although I understand why it was done, was not my cup of tea. It seemed so abrupt and it seemed to me that after 200 pages of bulling up their relationship and my connection with them, for it to end the way it did, seems like it unravels all of the authors hard work. I understand why it was done, it said to me that things can end just like that and there's not necessarily one answer to a question or problem, i know it is meant to leave you with uncertainty and doubt about the fate of the characters, but for me there was just a little too much uncertainty for my liking. But again, great book if you want to be living along side someone else's life for a while without everything happening all at once.