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A review by exhaleartist
Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton


This is yet another book that I came across for the Debut Author Challenge, and I thought it sounded so good. Then I began hearing such good things about it, that I was desperate to read it. So I used by birthday money to buy myself a copy, and I am so glad I did. The characters and the story of this book felt so fresh and original. It is a fantastic read.
Ari was a character that I loved. She was really tough and unafraid to go after what she wanted. I heard some comments about Ari’s swearing, but I really did not find it out of character or excessive. The group of friends that Ari finds in New 2 are also a nice, eclectic mix. I loved Crank, and I really felt for her. Her story was really tragic, sad. My favorite though was Violet. I was completely drawn to her from the beginning. She was such a blend of cuteness, loyalty, and toughness. I do not know how anyone could not like her. Sebastian was swoon-worthy. I did have a little trouble with the relationship between him and Ari. It felt somewhat rushed, almost forced at first. I did enjoy them together, however, and I think in future books it could be really a great pairing.
The storyline for this book was so unique. The idea of New 2 and the mixing of various mythologies was really interesting. I loved Ari’s journey to understand her curse, and she was forced to make so many difficult decisions because of it. The blend of Greek mythology with vampires and witches is not a common combination, but it really seemed to work out here. I loved, loved this story.
This book surprised me. I was expecting more of a romance, and this did have one. It just was not the heart-stopping kind that is typical of the genre. The story and characters, however, completely blew me away. Plus the cliffhanger that ended the book make me desperate for the next installment.
Overall, this is a book that is totally worth reading it. I really loved it and I cannot wait for the next one. I highly recommend this series. Also just to note this is the author’s debut, which makes it all the more impressive. I have high expectations for her future work.