A review by bookstuff
Chasing Freedom by Marina Fontaine


I received a free review copy of Chasing Freedom from the author.

I wasn't looking forward to reading a dystopian novel because they usually get me down, but as soon as I started reading this I couldn't put it down. I just had to find out what would happen next. I think it's because the author doesn't try to paint a broad picture of America of 2040, she just gets right down to the characters in tight spots. I felt like I was reading a thriller. The action spans almost 20 years and there's a fairly large cast of characters, though the main story follows the young couple Randy and Julie as they lead a rebellion against the overgrown and totalitarian American government.

The author really does a good job of showing what living under a totalitarian government is like. I would guess that comes from her experience of living in Russia. I also liked that a lot of the action happens in New Jersey and in Lancaster, PA, both areas that are quite familiar to me. If I had any quibbles with the book, it was that I thought the good guys were maybe too noble, which may be unrealistic, but it makes it a good choice for YA readers who are, in my opinion, not given enough good guys to root for these days. On the other hand it was a great rellief that there were no angsty or emo characters either.

I'd recommend this to fans of the Hunger Games or any well-written YA science fiction.

I have a longer review of this and other conservative books at my blog, bookhorde.org