A review by ameserole
The Enchanted Sonata by Heather Dixon Wallwork


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

B-E-A-UTIFUL! I loved this book so much!

The Enchanted Sonata was one of those books that I needed to read but didn't know it at the time. Now what piqued my interest was how this kind of sounded like a disney movie to me. Heck, I'd watch it. Plus, I basically grew up with Disney movies and Disneyworld stuff - soooo I was completely pumped to dive into it!

In it, you will meet Clara. She's kind of like the girl from The Nutcracker or Alice in Wonderland because she kind of gets thrown into a new world. Of course it has magic and wonder..but it also has some darkness (which I love). She's basically the cheerleader sent to save the world - because she's the key to actually saving this one.

Again, it will definitely feel like a disney movie you've watched before or one that could become a real thing. I loved Clara, even if she had an insta-love moment with Julien. Not a big fan of that stuff.. but then again, it does remind me 100% of disney lol. I will admit though, they had some good twists/betrayal that kind of shook me to the core.

I didn't see a lot coming my way and that's probably why I enjoyed it so freaking much. I enjoyed all the cheesy hallmark-y/disney moments. If I didn't have to put this book on pause because of work life or sleep life - this book would've been devoured in a couple of hours. I will definitely re-read this again.