A review by whimsicallymeghan
Predator vs. Prey by Lisa McMann


We pick up right where the first novel left off with Charlie’s father kidnapped and she left with this mysterious bracelet, which she thinks is all connected. While trying to find all the missing links they find three other bracelets that her friends can’t wait to try and test out, only there could be some serious side effects. This novel was fantastic; it went from good to amazing in seconds. Each chapter brought new dynamics to the plot; just when the reader thought they had things figured out, something new happened. This is truly an amazing series and the way this ended on such a cliff hanger, readers can only anticipate more greatness from McMann. Her characters shined; from the kids to the adults, although their dialogue was quite cheesy at times, they were still engaging, fun, interactive characters. Who knows where this series will go, but it looks like the nest is yet to come.