A review by danijoy
2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke


This book was just not my jam. Only the last few chapters had me completely engaged. I also liked the first two chapters. The rest of the book certainly could’ve benefitted from some major cuts or alterations. Could we also have some more insight into the heart and soul of the characters? The main characters (white male) were so incredibly dull and indistinguishable from each other. The book did, however, bring up some interesting questions about humanity and intelligence.

Side note (not considered as part of my rating): I only just now started getting into sci-fi as a genre. But…. misogyny is showing up consistently. For this specific book, the misogyny reached a new level. While I realize the book was written in the 60s, it was hard for me to believe a far future 2001 setting (from Clark’s POV) to be both miraculously advanced in STEM, yet, also horrendously sexist. The “girl assistants” reference in particular made me cringe. Again, I realize this book was written decades ago. However, this is not a book set in the decade it was written in. I think the futuristic sci-fi genre might just be more prone to clashing with a present day lens.