A review by beckyrendon
Savage Mafia Prince by Annika Martin



So I'm yelling like a 13 yr old fan girl at a Justin Beiber concert, judge me all you want but these guys...The Dangerous Royals will have you squealing too!

Aleksioi made it his life's work to find his brothers. Money, time, and effort knew no bounds. He only wanted his brothers. There was a prophecy spread by an old woman that made them a danger because it gave people hope and others feared it. So they were separated by miles, station in life, and time.

But Aleksio never gave up and he found Viktor. Together they hunt the men trying to kill, their youngest brother, Kiro. They have learned about some of Kiro's past and it isn't pleasant. They cling to the hope that one day, soon, they will find him.

Aleksio and Viktor knew a general idea of where he was but their enemies had better info. All this is a tie in to how Kiro's story unfolds.

An investigative journalist scraping the bottom of the barrel for work stumbles on the biggest mystery of her career. Though it's not what she's supposed to be investigating, Ann can't seem to ignore the gorgeous man known as patient 34.

Patient 34 appears to have a thing for Ann too.

The craziest adventure ensues. Hold on to your jacket, your hope, and your panties. This adventure will make you could, give you hope and set your body on fire!

Savage Mafia Prince is Kiro's story of being found and hopefully not the end of the brothers. There are so many characters I still want to follow, so many things (wolves) I'd like to check on.

The youngest, most isolated Dragusha brother is by far the most savage. Savage in his love and protective nature. That's my kind of man.

See which brother gets your motor running...

(FYI, I stronger recommend reading the series in order. It's easier to follow. I'm sure that you could keep up, but there's just so much more to the story. It's like starting a book in the middle.)

Either way you choose to follow in Kiro footsteps, just know- he can hear your breathing, sense your moods, and taste your arousal. Good luck hiding it!

reviewed for The Sweet Spot Sisterhood