A review by kahawa
What Is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics by Adam Becker


I'm not really qualified to critique a book on quantum physics, but I suspect that the author hasn't properly grasped the Copenhagen Interpretation, and neither have most physicists who are against it. Again, I'm not a physicist, but what I've gathered from much physics reading and pondering is that the CI doesn't say that reality IS such and such, but that we can't meaningfully speak about reality. This is probably related to the problem in epistemology of establishing assumptions, ie, you can't do it without using your assumptions, which is circular. In quantum physics, you can't properly measure a property while using the property itself in the measurement. This isn't a small problem. We can't just approximate our way around this somehow and get at the Truth that way. We're stuck. I don't like it, but I think it's, ahem, the truth.

The history of the development of physics was interesting, but Becker didn't explain key concepts very well, so it made it hard for non physicists to track.