A review by kaydanielsromance
Bully King by Andi Jaxon


I was hit by this book in a deeply profound way. Over and over hit in the gut emotionally wrecked over this book. This story was so much more than just about two people falling in love. It was so much more than just about bullying. It was a story that dealt with values and morals and just plain human decency.

Taking place in a deeply southern bible driven town, The Bully King brings to light the condition of how we treat our fellow man, especially when it comes down to, the beliefs that are taught directly from "faith" based people. You know those hypocritical people who clutch their pearls at indecent thoughts, but then have no trouble turning a blind eye on actually helping those less than them. Well...this book will gut you at every turn of this type of event.

Andi Jaxon brought a moral take to gay romance where both sides of the subject had a very hard (at times brutal) look at this subject.

I can honestly say I was raised to love your fellow man and that love is love and we all live under the roof of a very loving God. However, through Jonah's eyes, for the very first time I saw the struggle that he dealt with everyday. Jonah really showed me the heavy burden he lived with. The burning guilt that he felt about having feelings for boys and how in the eyes of God he knew it was wrong. From growing up under the roof of a pastor who taught and thought these very beliefs, Jonah was made to feel that his thoughts were sinful and that he was an abomination. It was horrible to hear his thoughts, but for the first time ever I truly understood why people are so fearful to come out of the closet. Not only for the religion factor, but the fear of being alone, being rejected, being unloved, you name it fear is attached to it, Jonah really punched me in the gut with his deep emotions.

So yes, call me naive, I know, but again I grew up in the "Free To Be You and Me" culture and in a loving religious atmosphere too, so as much as this book gutted me, I appreciated how it gave me a glimpse into the views of someone growing up homosexual and how they might have to deal with such a heavy thoughts weighing him down.

Jonah's deep sensitivity was palpable and even when he gave in to his feelings, knowing how much he disliked that side of himself, but that he also recognized that it was a part of him, oh, that poor child I just wanted to wrap him up and let him know that he was loved. At the end of the day, he's a beautiful human being and Jonah has a huge heart. After all he has to to love a boy like Roman.

Now, Roman...a boy who had the town at his fingertips, didn't understand his attraction to Jonah, at first, but he went after him anyway. Roman is an alpha in every sense of the word. He's basically slept with every girl in town pretty much because he could, but when Jonah moves to town there is something about the preacher's son that he can't take his eyes off of.  Roman comes from a former NFL father, but his father is also abusive.  The town turns a blind eye to what his father does because what happens in someone's home isn't exactly anyone's business, especially when you can play football.

Roman doesn't have a lot of room in his life for religion. He figures a God wouldn't turn an eye on his family and allow the abuse to happen, but he likes Jonah and these two try to understand humanity together in a world that doesn't always make sense. I also like that Roman doesn't allow Jonah to get away with wallowing too long in self pity or self doubt. Roman is the man Jonah needs and at times Jonah is the partner Roman needs when he needs someone to rely on as well. These two balance each other out perfectly.

Know that this book is very emotional, but will stick with you long after you read it.