A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Secret Princess by Melanie Cellier


I'm not sure if the Goose Girl was in the fairytale books my mother read to me. I somehow can't remember the tale from my childhood. However, I do know that after reading loads of different retellings of this story and after reading fanfics based on this story and after watching the episode in the German Grimm series based on this fairytale, that it's one of my favorites. Because just like Cinderella I always found this a story of true nature always shining through, no matter the circumstances. And just like Cinderella, I also always found this a story about humbleness and the talent to be content with little.

And Cellier fitted this story into her Four Kingdoms series brilliantly! The way everything happens and is done feels very natural and not once does Giselle seem stupid. Maybe she's a little naive at first, but that's not a too bad character trait. And like Cellier already did with other tales, she also managed to give Giselle a lot of power and strength. Giselle is not just pouting and waiting for things to change, she's actively taking matters into her own hands, not always with success, but at least she's always trying.

Of course the plot of the book is quite predictable. I mean, if you don't want predictable you shouldn't read fairytale retellings. However, all the elements of the well known Goose Girl tale are present, but not all of them are in the well known way. There are some surprises in the story and some reveals that I didn't see coming until quite late. I love it when a retelling manages to do that, to hide some nice turns while keeping the core of the story very much intact.

And Giselle and Philippe have a really nice kind of chemistry. For me they were not the most passionate couple in this series, but their love really grows slowly, but steadily. They take the time to talk and get to know each other. They don't just say and promise things, but also show that they mean all those things and that they're keeping their promises. There might be some attraction at first sight, but the more only follows during the rest of the story. And that makes it very believable that this is the start of another very happy ending.

I can't wait for the next book in the series!