A review by poetry_drive
Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan


There is permanent scar on my heart from the darkness that was Iris’s life. I don’t think I’ve felt such strong emotions from a book before. I THOUGHT I had, but this book proved me wrong with a hard slap in the face. Of course, it WOULD be a Kennedy Ryan book.

It was fucked up and raw. Readers are not spared any niceties or given any quarter in the description of events that occur. This isn’t a happy book. To clarify, there is a HEA, but by the time you get to it, you’re heart is in shreds on the floor and you can’t piece it back together fast enough to feel any gratification from it. All you can do is finally take the breath you didn’t realize you were holding for 300+ pages, and unclench.

At only 30% in, I needed a hug and hard liquor. I just felt so hopeless reading it— but I couldn’t DNF because HOW could one NOT want to know if she perseveres?

I don’t know if I regret reading this book or not. Of all the messed up stuff I’ve read; all the “dark” romances are nothing compared to the profound despair and sorrow Ryan forces into your soul in this book.

There was spice but I didn’t even care about that for the first time in never. I just wanted to survive to the end of this book. I’d recommend this book to someone I don’t like.