A review by liketheday
The Mother of All Questions by Rebecca Solnit


As I thought after listening to [b:Men Explain Things to Me|18528190|Men Explain Things to Me|Rebecca Solnit|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1393447237l/18528190._SX50_.jpg|26233826], Solnit's essays are much better for eyes-reading. I felt more immersed in her writing and her language and I could stop and go back very easily when a sentence got weird.

The essays in this book are mostly short and sweet and about feminism and what tools the Majority (the patriarchy, white people, people who don't want to listen to the plight of others) use to silence others. There is one big slog of an essay about silencing that begins this collection and it was tough going, but once I got through it the rest of the essays were a welcome relief. Some of them feel just a touch dated as this was published after #yesallwomen but just before #metoo and it feels like the essays are missing that extra touch of context, which of course they couldn't have had.

I'm definitely interested enough after reading this to check out the book that comes between Men Explain Things to Me and this one, and also some of the books Solnit wrote that she mentions in the various essays. Good self-promotion!