A review by emiann2023
Aru Shah and the City of Gold by Roshani Chokshi


I was under the impression this was the last book in the series, so the ending was a surprise for me

Overall I enjoyed the story and the way the characters are growing up, but honestly, Aru feels too immature for her age to me. I know I'm being judgemental of a fictional character, and I know it's been a few days since I was fifteen, but even then, I just felt like Aru was still a little too childish for a lot of the book. Again, they're growing up and learning and I liked that, I just feel like the age the characters act sometimes is closer to like 10 or 11 rather than 15. And, sorry, last thing. I love pop culture references, and I think when done with the right timing and flair, they can be really funny, but there were honestly just too many in this book. A Pretty Woman quote in the middle of a battle? That felt weird and disjointed and it threw me out of the tense battle scene.

I know I'm ranting here, and I'm sorry, but I really did enjoy this book. There's a lot of really nice depth and mythology here. But in future books I would love to see more of that depth. Help me believe that these characters are starting to grow up.