A review by faerietrails
Hounded by Kevin Hearne


Ending spoilers//

I wanted to like this one, and was into the world-building and magic system(s), but, man, is this peak male power fantasy.

When he first realizes Aengus Óg is after him, Atticus is petrified; it's a revenge centuries in the making. Then, our big bad sends several obstacles that Atticus disposes of with ease, and despite everyone thinking he's going to die, we are never given any reason to worry he might be in any real danger. The actual fight with Aengus lasts 3ish pages. None of the choices or plot points have any lasting negative consequences, Atticus is exactly the same, it just felt really pointless. He kills TWO gods in this book like it's nothing, where do you go from there??

Also is Atticus' main weakness just the fact that he's...really thirsty for the female gods?? Most of the women in this book are described in an objectifying manner (you have to know EXACTLY how hot everyone is), and there is just. No reason for any of it. He doesn't develop any relationships, I guess he's just so cool and awesome and sexy that all the female gods want to sleep with him. Also that final interaction with the Morrigan was extremely unnecessary.

I chuckled a few times and my interest was piqued at Granuaile becoming his apprentice so we could also learn more about Druidic practices, but I cannot read any more of this writing.