A review by rtimmorris
Fantastic Four, Volume 1: New Departure, New Arrivals by Matt Fraction


If this was simply the first three issues of Fraction's & Allred's 'FF' I could give it an easy 4-star review. But it's not. This also includes the first three issues of the new Fraction/Bagley "Fantastic Four" series, which is as mediocre of a start to a new series that I can think of. Issues 1 and 2 of Fantastic Four are interesting and do at least tie into the launch of the FF team, but the third issue is a complete throwaway, and I have no interest whatsoever in continuing the journey with Reed, Sue, Ben, Johnny and the kids. They all bore me to death. (actually, I'd probably check out a Reed Richards solo series if it came along, since he's got the dynamics to carry an interesting story, but I digress.)
On the flip side, the Scott Lang-led FF team is so quirky and full of energy (including the Future Foundation kids), it makes it a hard book to put down.
Unfortunately as a whole, I have to rate this one a three.