A review by krisis86
The Autobiography of God by Julius Lester


Seeing all the five star reviews makes me nervous. Did I miss something huge in this book? I will probably never know, because I am never, ever going to suffer through all 245 pages ever again.

This story is BAD. It starts off slow and it ends slow. There is no real action until about page 200. I kind of felt this book was totally misleading. The synopsis on the back says it's about a Rabbi who is visited by the ghosts of a village decimated in the Holocaust. This is not true. It's about a Rabbi who
Spoileris disillusioned with her life because she was hit by a car (?) and for some reason never told her husband why she had a limp, and divorced for some reason, and she is going through the motions of her religion and her life when ka-bam, a ghost says "hey. God wants to visit you." And that's about the end of the whole ghostly village. And then God lets her read His autobiography, which actually is extremely weird and unpleasant, and P.S. he appears to her looking like Hitler's twin, and then by the way, some random college student is murdered and at the end we find out in a completely stupid and trite way that the killer was a Big Deal to Rebecca. But that part is so obvious and just plain stupid that I spent the whole 6 pages in between "duh, it was this guy," to the actual reveal banging my head against the wall. And the ending. Oh, the terrible ending.

There. I just saved you 245 pages of agonizing reading. Seriously. Don't waste your time on this one. It's awful. Mr. Lester, I am sure you are a nice person and you know your stuff, but I hope I never have to read anything written by you again. Yuck.