A review by in_libris_speramus
Bones of the Coast: Tales of Terror from the Pacific Northwest by Bevan Thomas, Anastasia Chernaya, Chloe Chan, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques, Lindsay Ishihiro, Emily Lampson, Shannon Campbell, Kelly Aarons, Sean Karemaker


Favorite stories:
-The Harvest
-Free Ride
-The White Raven
-The Cove

I backed this anthology on Kickstarter many moons ago, and it arrived in my mailbox earlier this month. I was so excited to read these stories, and I'm so happy to report that this is a great collection of short horror comics. Some of the stories are creepy, some seem to have an underlying message, several make you feel really uncomfortable, and a few leave you scratching your head, but all of them are fantastic.

Each comic is written and illustrated by different people, and no two stories are remotely alike. I think, though, that my favorite aspect of the anthology was the diversity of characters. There was LGBTQ+ representation, characters of color, interracial couples, and a variety of ages represented.

I definitely recommend this anthology to anyone and everyone!