A review by brenticus
Bob Honey Sings Jimmy Crack Corn by Sean Penn



Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff was the worst book I'd ever read. This... is worse.

Like, Penn's prose has a pleasant flow to it at times. Utter nonsense, but it has a nice rhythm to it. And then it goes a bit too far with alliteration, or a run-on sentence, or any number of other obvious problems, and it craters. It becomes overwrought nonsense as opposed to straight nonsense.

The plot... actually makes less sense than the first book by a significant margin. There were only a few chapters where I could follow what was going on, and even then they barely make sense together. And what the everliving hell was that ending?

The first book, terrible though it was, had this charm to it. Like the weird kid who just wants to share this bug they found. This book lacks that charm; it's more like the weird kid who eats their boogers. You kind of just want it to stop existing.

My wife was right. I shouldn't have read this. If there's something to learn from this book, it's that your SO knows best. I think.