A review by caterpie_reading
Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy by Scott Snyder


It's actually more of a 2.5 - 2.75 stars.

Well, sadly enough, this one disappointed me. I was putting of reading this volume for so long, because I knew that I would not enjoy Gordon as Batman. And that is exactly what happened. Which is a pity, because Gordon as Batman is very present in this book. I just did not like the idea of him being the 'hero' that Gotham needs, I did not like the reason why especially he had to become Batman. I just do not like the idea behind it all.
And who actually is this Powers Company? Why haven't we heard of them before, if they are so powerful and important in Gotham? And why are they funding this new Batman idea? Unanswered questions I would have liked to get an answer to.
Back to Batman. Jim Gordon is someone I do not really care for as a cop, and I definitely do not care for him as Batman. On the contrary, now that he is the Bat, he is bothering me. I do not like him, even though yes, he wants to do good things and not be controlled by higher forces. I can see that. And I appreciate him being more reckless and stubborn and more like Bruce-ish. But still, if you do not like the main character, the comic is automatically a little bit dragging and tough to get through. At least it is like that for me.
Moreover, the story itself I did not particularly care for, even though I liked the idea of Mr. Bloom as a villain. He was interesting, to some degree.
So what did I like about this volume? I actually really enjoyed the little scenes we got to see from Bruce and his new life. Even though I do not see the point as to why it was necessary to make someone else Batman, I liked the way the 'new Bruce Wayne' was written. I really enjoyed the panels about him. It was nice seeing this other side of him. To see the person he could have been, if his parents had not died. It was nice to read. I also liked the little scene with Alfred and Clark - Alfred is always touching my heart with his little speeches. That was another mini highlight of this volume for me.
But everything that has to do with Gordon as Batman was just not interesting to me (not even thinking about this stupid suit of his or his 'Batmobile' which I not liked. At all.) Even his 'helpers' were more interesting to me. And this has nothing to do with me not liking somebody else being Batman. I know that Bruce was/is not always Batman. But the people that were Batman were at least interesting and had something unique about them. I can picture them as Gothams heroes. I can not do that with Jim Gordon.
The art in this comic, however, I really enjoyed, which is not a surprise, because I really like Greg Capullo's style. The color were very vibrant on same pages, which I enjoyed as well.
However, this comic has very few redeeming qualities about it (sadly) and it was definitely the weakest volume of Batmans New 52 run so far.