A review by mesy_mark
Devils' Line, Volume 3 by Ryo Hanada


Anzai is alive but he still can't believe it, well can't remember, being shot in the lung. Tsukasa's offer of her own blood is sweet but in the end, Anzai with his all-to-carrying eyes turns the offer down in favor of finding his own way to not deem his craving for human blood natural.

Zero Seven is alive, up to be facing the consequences of the fact that she has been shooting devils. And then there is still the whole clear plaza incident and now one guy of that organization is after a devil who saw what really happened on the rooftop that day.

We get to find out more about Lee, and how Hans Lee is a pseudonym-psudeo-identoty- for his real id. Lee, who still doesn't mind being called Lee's real name is Johannes Kleiman. Yes in ONLO but a part of a birth plan. Leaving Lee to ask what group does Anzai belongs to?

Good, bad, mysteries around. WIll the special unit be displayed now that the devil is out and it is now known that Devil's are in the squad? Less of the romance was brought up in this group and in turn action with flashbacks. All and all a good book and I will wait for the fourth volume to arrive at my door.