A review by an_alaskan_fairy_tale
Heritage by S.M. Boyce


I just want to note that I was lucky enough to receive a free ARC copy to review (mostly because I couldn't wait until November to read it), however my review is not influenced by that in the slightest.
I've been really looking forward to reading Heritage ever since I raced through Lichgates and Treason back in July. I'm happy to say it didn't disappoint in the slightest. We left Treason with some big changes in store for the characters, and this narrative was largely focused on them processing those changes, learning about themselves, and growing as characters. While it felt like a bit of a shift in tone from the first two novels in this way (since the first was focused on introducing you to a world, and the second continued that but with a lot of plot development) I appreciated Boyce taking the time to let her characters adapt naturally rather than overwhelming that process by having them cram this in between nonstop action. That is not to say that the book felt slow, just that I felt both the characters and the audience had time to breathe between plot leaps, a decision which helped prevent the lead-up to the finale from falling flat as so many penultimate books do. I believe I feel that way because the focus on character development gave this book a separate reason for existing from the novel that will wrap everything up, so it really feels like it stands on its own. One aspect of the novel that I really enjoyed was Boyce's ability to also allow Braeden and Kara's relationship to develop without any drama forced upon them. I understand her decision to have more of that in the first two books, but as they both mature I appreciate that she lets them have a relationship minus the angst. My only complaint is that I have to wait for Illusion! I'm very much looking forward to what is in store for Ourea next.