A review by elisability
Lasting Damage by Sophie Hannah


2.5 stars

Early one morning, Connie turns on her computer to look at a house for sale–a house she’s been obsessing about for months, for reasons that will be explained later on. While doing the virtual tour, she sees a dead woman in a pool of blood in the middle of the lounge. She of course freaks out, wakes up her husband, and makes him look too... except there’s no dead woman when he looks. She still decides to go to the police with her weird story, but there is no actual evidence of any crime, so they’re reluctant to do anything. But Connie can’t let it go.

I’d read a few of Hannah’s Spilling CID series before and had good memories of them, but maybe I should review those feelings. Or read the series in order, that would also probably help with making sense of the recurring characters XD

The story itself, the mystery, was quite interesting in itself (albeit a bit unbelievable and difficult to follow in spots). The thing that made it hard for me to enjoy this book was the characters. They are all, every singe one of them, super unpleasant, not only to the reader, but to each other as well! I mean, there were some relationships that were necessary, but did she have to make every character despicable? The victims, the culprits, the detectives... they were all as bad as the next, and it considerably lowered my opinion of a book that was otherwise not the best, but far from terrible either.