A review by miocyon
Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives by David Sloan Wilson


I’m really bad at stopping reading a book that I’m not enjoying. Usually I just plow through and get angry. That was the case here. I was hoping to read this and get some tidbits for teaching evolution, maybe even assign the book to students. Nope. It’s the vanity project of an well-known, old, white guy touting this evo-psych and group selection garbage. It all just sounds so dated, and he sounds like a writer from another time - the sage scientist, born into wealth, which allowed him to pursue his own bizarre theories. Of course most of the scientists he cites are other men of the same sort. He even manages to make a breast joke when talking about tits (the birds). There’s maybe one or two chapters that could be excerpted and be useful for teaching.