A review by 00leah00
You, Me, and the Sunken Treasure by Georgette Kaplan


3.5 Stars

“You, Me, and the Sunken Treasure” is the third and sadly last installment of the Cushing-Nevada Chronicles. This was another entertaining action-packed adventure. It picked up right where [b:Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra|48577071|Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra (The Cushing-Nevada Chronicles, #2)|Georgette Kaplan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1572010151l/48577071._SY75_.jpg|73906857] left off. You will definitely want to read the two previous works before delving into this one.

Like others, I wasn’t as happy with this installment as the previous two. Our main characters Easy and Candice, spend probably 90% of the story separated. And while it was cool to see them on their own without the other to rely on, I really missed the dynamic of them working/being together. I did appreciate that Kaplan showed how much each had changed in the little time they knew each other. Their chemistry and sarcastic, witty banter were some of my favorite things and it was noticeably absent. I probably wouldn’t have minded so much if it was a shorter amount of time separated and then got more time with them together.

To me, this had a more serious tone to it overall. The humor that the other two are known for is still present, but wasn’t as constant. Which I found to be fitting as Easy and Candice didn’t know if the other was still alive at different times. There were also more ‘coincidences’ here than I think my suspension of disbelief was willing to allow. However, I didn’t let it bother me too much and still enjoyed the finale to this story. I’m sad this is the end to Easy and Candice and with the way this ended, I would love to see another to see how they end up.

I highly recommend this entire series to fans of humor and action/adventure. It’s romance light but the romance that is there is a delight.

I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing in exchange for an honest review.