A review by robin_is_me
Disorderly Lady by Claudy Conn


 When I left my book at home one day and had nothing to read on my lunch hour, I opened the Kindle app on my phone and went to the book that had been sitting there the longest, which turned out to be this one (since 2015!).

I've struggled with whether to give it 2 or 3 stars. The writing isn't great and didn't really flow smoothly, and there were soooo many words, and strings of words, italicized, for no reason that I could discern. I mean, italics are meant to add emphasis, but if you read the italicized words with emphasis...well, it rarely worked. I did like this line:

She hadn’t meant to lose her heart, but if she looked for it now, she would find it in his hands.

But then there was this: 
He pulled back from his kiss and licked her upper lip even as nibbled with his teeth at her bottom lip...

I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to imagine how he could do both at the same time.

I did like the characters, though Shaun was a bit dense in persisting in believing that Bella was another man's mistress, or a "lightskirt", even as he marveled at how refined she was. And I did manage to get caught up in the story enough that I never considered not finishing it.

And then. The entire book was narrated in third person POV. Until the epilogue, which was narrated by Bella in first person POV. Why? I was so confused. At first I thought maybe she was writing a letter to someone while on her honeymoon, but no. It was just an arbitrary switch.