A review by abigcoffeedragon
Brimstone Angels by Erin M. Evans


Brimstone Angels is a new set of characters in the Forgotten Realms world, if you need a break from the other guys for a breather - this story focuses on a pair of twin Tiefling sisters and their Dragonborn mentor / father-figure.

Now, if you have no idea what a Dragonborn or a Tiefling is in the D&D world, then do not read this book, because you will be lost trying to figure out the races in this novel, but if you do know them, then please read on.

The story follow twin sisters, as one becomes a fierce Glaive wielding warrior, and the other, a warlock that has paid a dear price. Because they have been turned out into the world, they do what the do best - travel and hunt, and these along with their Dragonborn Mentor become bounty hunters to survive.

That premise alone had me hooked, and I read the entire book going through the travelogue and excited to see what happens next. the author does a good job of writing female characters without making them frail and lithe, helpless women. Not only because they are Tiefling, as I am sure THAT helps a ton, but because they have been raised to live a hard life.

My only regret is starting the trilogy without the other two books, and now my wait begins for the next chapter in their saga. Well done and well written.