A review by nannyf
Close To Me by Amanda Reynolds


This is a story which goes from one extreme to another. A woman wakes up in hospital with amnesia, but only the last year of her life. As far as she is concerned her son has just left to go to university and her daughter is happy. Over time she begins to piece together that fact that what she is being told, or not told, by those closest to her is not always the truth. Her family are hiding things from her, but why? Is it to protect her, or themselves.

The mystery of how Jo came to fall is revealed slowly as she begins to try and start living her life again. But as she begins to discover the lies she is being told, can she figure the actual truth out?

This is a well told story with just enough mystery to keep me desperate for Jo to remember exactly what happened. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy.