A review by mapey
Ruin of Stars by Linsey Miller

Did not finish book.
Thank you NetGalley for giving me a free, electronic ARC to review. All opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.

DNF at 60%

I wanted to like this book, but I just could NOT get into this. The first book, [b:Mask of Shadows|33918885|Mask of Shadows (Mask of Shadows #1)|Linsey Miller|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1492926659s/33918885.jpg|50354236], was amazing! I was pretty excited to get this sequel, but I was pretty let down.

The story itself isn't that bad. It's a continuation of the previous book and explains a lot of backstory. Unfortunately, the writing is not amazing this time around. Many scenes have been too wordy, in the sense that I have to read them a few times to fully grasp what's going on. There were a lot of grammar mistakes (which will most likely be corrected once the final copy is released, but still).

I did not connect with Sal anymore. While it's important that Sal was gender-fluid because representation matters, it just became Excessive. I swear Sal mentions that they are gender-fluid in every chapter even when it's irrelevant to the plot. It gets mentions at the most random times, like the author's just sort of saying it to remind the reader of how ~unique~ this book is to others.

It'd be like
>fight scene
>no one cares about Sal's identity
>"I have no gender, no one understands here :("
>end fight scene

Obviously I'm exaggerating, but honestly not by much.

By all means, read this sequel if you love the story. It just wasn't for me.