A review by jkropik06
Dorothy Must Die: Stories by Danielle Paige


WARNING: This review will contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.

No Place Like Oz (4/5 Stars)-
Wow. This story made me hate Dorothy even more than the first book did, it actually took away any remorse I felt for her during the first novel. This followed Dorothy after she defeated the Wicked Witch, but before she took took the crown to Oz. It was the lead up to how she became princess, and it showed how truly vile she really is. Ozma welcomes her to Oz happily, but is weary of the red shoes she used to get there, knowing they are very powerful. Eventually the shoes give Dorothy power, and she starts to spiral downhill. She was rude to her aunt and uncle the whole time, but at the end she accidently kills them when trying to defeat Ozma. She then uses all of her power to erase all of Ozma’s memories, making it as if she is a child. She cries for her aunt and uncle, but her sadness soon vanishes when Glinda, bad bad Glinda appears and tells her she is the new princess. What a terrible, but beautifully written start to a vile characters story.

The Witch Must Burn (5/5 Stars)-
This story took place in the point of view of my favorite character, Jellia. She is a character I had all the respect for in Dorothy Must Die, but this review is about the short story… which, again, I LOVED! After the events of the first story, Dorothy has taken control. Jellia is left as the head maid, trying to keep the castle up to Dorothy’s standards. When Glinda comes to visit, she takes interest in Jellia for an unknown reason. She manipulates Dorothy into letting her have Jellia for the summer, and this is where Jellia meets Nox. Soon it is made known that GLinda is to use Jellia for her magic harvesting machine, shit hits the fan, and Glinda leaves Jellia to die after she is deemed useless. Nox takes Jellia to safety, and this is when she joins the The Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. Sidenote, this also showed that Glinda is not completely with Dorothy, and she does still have somewhat of a good side. Barely. SPOILER FOR BOOK ONE IN THE SERIES AHEAD: This story had me missing Jellia… I don’t completely remember what happened to her, but I do know that she took blame for Amy’s action and it resulted in her death. (Or something close to it).

The Wizard Returns (3/5 Stars)-
This story was most definitely my least favorite of the lot, but i still enjoyed it! It followed the Wizard after he “left” Oz. He must complete three trials and prove he is a better person, but the problem is he lost his memory. Pete is his guide in these trials. First, he comes upon the land of the wingless ones, where the Anti-Dorothy monkeys live. He meets Iris, a very sweet monkey who knows Queen Lulu’s companion is a fraud. The wizard, Hex, exposes the fraudulent monkey and takes credit for what Iris did, therefore failing the first trial. In the second he saves Iris’s life from the Lion, gaining some of his memories back, and finally in the last trial he goes down to the land of the fairies where he makes the choice to stay in Oz, gaining all of his memories back. The fairies think he is on their side, but Hex really wants to gain the kingdom back… so yeah he is still a dick.

I wrote this review with the intentions of refreshing my memory in the future, hence its summarizing qualities. Anywho, the novellas were all enjoyable, but the Witch Must Burn is definitely my favorite! The Wizard returns was kind of weak, but I still liked it.