A review by the_graylien
Batman & Robin, Vol. 3: Batman & Robin Must Die! by Frazer Irving, Matt Banning, Grant Morrison, Ryan Wynn, David Finch


This chapter is a very pivotal one in writer Grant Morrison's run on the Batman titles.

We see essence of Morrison's (and the involved artists') terrifying, yet psychedelic style as our heroes battles a clan of fiends who worship dark gods. The Joker shows up. Bruce's son Damian (who's taken the mantle of Robin during this series) has his loyalty and mettle tested. And speaking of Bruce...

This one also sets the stage for the "Batman, Incorporated" title, which, in my humble opinion, is one of the coolest ideas for the Batman mythos in quite some time.

The art on the volume shines, as well. We've got Frazer Irving, Cameron Stewart, Chris Burnham, David Finch, covers and variants by Frank Quitely, Ethan van Sciver, Gene Ha... It's just so pretty.

I'd recommend this one to fans of Morrison, fans of great art, and, as usual lately, fans of the Christopher Nolan Bat-films who've yet to discover how great comic books can be.