A review by thecosymoose
Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa

emotional reflective


Following a bad break up, Takako finds herself going to stay with her Uncle Satoru who runs a second hand bookshop in Jinbōchō, Tokyo - a neighbourhood full of bookshops. 
I struggled to connect with Takako at first, I found it hard to relate to her lack of interest in books! Jinbōchō sounds like my idea of heaven, and an ideal place to go and heal, especially if you're given use of an apartment rent-free! But, Takako does heal, and even discovers the joy of reading - losing yourself in a book can be powerful. 
The second half of the book deals with Uncle Satoru, and his relationship with his wife, Momoko, who has left him, but reappears out of the blue. Taking a trip together, Takako and Momoko bond and learn more about each other and why Mokoko left., and why she has now returned. 
A wonderful quiet book about connections - while it took me a while to warm to the main character, I did feel it a worthwhile read.