A review by dreamer4ever
Stand by A.L. Jackson



Zee was Sunders last story and damn it was a freaking doosey. The quiet, unassuming ones often have a boatload of secrets in the closet, and his closet was jammed full. What a story. You know, you look at some people living in the spotlight looking like they have it all but unfortunately that is not the case, very far from it. Money buys many things but it does not buy the stuff that is most important nor does it fill the hole deep within the heart. I'm glad he found Alexis, she had been through her own hell dealing with a drug addicted sister. I loved all these books, I'm sad to see them end, I loved living in their world for awhile. I hear the author has some new Bleeding Stars spin off coming and I'm thrilled, I can't wait to see what she's gonna hit us with.