A review by charms1976
Against the Wall by Julie Prestsater


Against the Wall by Julie Prestsater is the first book in the Against the Wall series.

This was offered as a Kindle freebie and I had high hopes for it. Most of the reviews I have read were fairly good ratings for this book. The first half of this book had me laughing so hard my sides hurt. I think I shared and highlighted so many passages in this book before the fifty percent mark that my Kindle is probably overloaded from hitting the share button. Unfortunately, I am the small number of people to say that the humor was the only thing going for this read.

Shelly has broken up with her fiance after he dumps her for another teacher at Carver High. They are both teachers at the school, so they will still see each other on a daily basis. Summer, the girl Chase dumps Shelly for, is also a teacher at Carver High. When her best friend Melissa -- or aka Mel -- pushes her to start dating again, she finally starts falling for fellow teacher Matt Fuller.

This book had a great potential with the plot. It could have been wonderful due to the witty dialogue and quick wit that the author writes. When it came to Shelly, she wasn't too bad of a character. She was funny, acted like she could be a person the reader could sympathize with, but she had no spark. She was kind of dull at times and needed to move on already. She explains that she had a on-again-off-again relationship with Chase until they became engaged. They didn't act like an actual couple though through Shelly's memories. We don't even get to read much about their previous relationship - just bits and pieces.

Matt was a confusing character. One minute I like him, the next I was wondering what the heck is this man thinking. All of a sudden we are suppose to believe that he is in love with Shelly but he also sets her up on dates with other men and says that it doesn't bother him. This is just one example of his confusing behavior.

When it came to Mel, she was a riot. I really enjoyed her little side story and drama with her relationship and best friend support. The only thing I didn't like was how she kept reminding us she was married, then would go out to the bar with Shelly and then complain about her husband never being home. Oh, and be prepared to get an education on beer in this book. That was another downfall. I think I know more about the different types of beer now than ever.

While there were plenty of humorous moments in this book, the pacing and characters were dull and flat at times. I am curious though to read the next book in the series though just to see more of the side characters of this book.