A review by amandasbookreview
Confessions of a Domestic Failure by Bunmi Laditan


Where do I even start?! This is the book that every mom should read. Did I see should? I meant NEED to read!

The book introduces Ashley Keller, stay-at-home mom. She has a 8 month old baby girl named Aubrey. Her husband is gone from home pretty often trying to kick start his company. Aubrey is sleep deprived and desperate for a break. However, she sees her perfect sister and friends on Facebook "succeeding" at motherhood and she feels like she is failing. So she signs up for this Motherhood Better boot camp hosted by the celebrity mom blogger Emily Walker. It is a 6 week boot camp that will transform her into a better, more successful mother. Ashley will then try to navigate the world of Pinterest, making mom friends, being a better lover to her husband all while keeping a perfect home and attempting to lose baby weight.

Ashley's hilarious journey isn't what she expects. However, she does learn a lot about herself and motherhood. This is the most relatable book I have ever read. Every mom goes through these stages of trying to adjust to raising a little human. Not only is it hilariously entertaining but it drops so much truth about motherhood. Moms, no matter if they work, stay at home, breastfeed, formula feed etc... will struggle and it is all about supporting one another instead of bringing each other down---which is the whole essence of this wonderful book.