A review by hersea
Batman: No Man's Land by Greg Rucka


Enjoyed reading this. It's basically a novelization of the comic series which I've never read.

The thing I like the most about this book is how it humanizes the Bat villains. Two-Face and Bane were written so wonderfully. I'd honestly love to read a standalone novel from Two-Face's perspective written by this author. Batman's kinda okay. I really liked these villains more.

The novel feels a lot like a short summary of the whole comic series even though it's about 430 pages long. And there's no huge finale as such. More like little exciting moments sprinkled throughout the novel.

The only complaint I have, is that I wish it was longer. it's got too many characters and wasn't able to provide most of them good closure. But that's just me. It's a great book to read if you're a Batman fan.