A review by ncrabb
A Beautiful Corpse by Christi Daugherty


Naomi Scott possessed the kind of beauty that made others notice her. She didn’t seek that kind of attention; Vanity and preening weren’t on her personal agenda. It’s just how things were. She’s a fictional law student tending bar in Savannah to make ends meet. Around 2 a.m. one day, someone murdered her on a street generally known for its tourism and safety.

Harper McClain is a crime reporter for the local paper. She knew Naomi; Harper’s friend, Bonnie, tends bar at the same place Naomi works. But someone gunned Naomi down that early morning, and amidst economic turmoil at the paper, Harper wants to figure out who did it. The cops finger Naomi’s boyfriend, and they initially won’t listen to Harper’s assertions that he's not the guy. He’s a black kid with a juvenile record—he’s perfect for this, they figure. She insists they need to dig deeper. The clues Harper unearths point to a prominent Savannah family—one that could make life beyond horrific for the local paper if it gets the story wrong.

I loved this book; I loved the way Sophie Amoss narrated it. The tension racks up like balls in the hands of a pool shark. You find yourself riding that tension wave, embracing the next creepy twist, sometimes hanging on just barely so vivid is Harper’s journey through the posh streets and the gritty lanes of Savannah.

It's best if you read the first book in this series first. Daugherty references that first book often in this one. Both are excellent, and this one especially would be worth your time.