A review by taffreads
Because She Loves Me by Mark Edwards


For the most part, this was a juicy, engaging read. What starts off innocently enough as an intense, stimulating (in more ways than one) relationship is slowly but surely tainted by jealousy and suspiciousness. I felt bad for Andrew at first, what with the dark cloud that was fast descending on his already relatively screwed-up life, but towards the end, his infatuation, ignorance or perhaps outright stupidity frustrated me and when I lost that connection, I was pretty much just impatient to get to the end.

The "twist" was a bit hideous. I didn't have that rush of "omg it was them?!" adrenalin that it probably intended, in fact, it just alerted me more to the fact that it is a fictitious novel in which there is a planned and deliberate twist. This person's storyline and character wasn't built up enough to warrant the intended "wow" effect and while it was unexpected, it fell completely and utterly flat. Funnily enough, it reminds me of forcing a puzzle piece into a space that only vaguely fits. Honestly, I would have been entirely satiated without a twist.

All in all, I couldn't readjust my long built-up perception of Charlie to a positive one and Andrew's desperation and pitifulness kind of repulsed me, so I couldn't really care less what happened to them in the end.