A review by ameserole
Nexus by Ramez Naam



Nexus was one of those books that I was going to read in November but got distracted and didn't find the time to dive into this month. Luckily, I finally did and my ears loved this audio. It was so fast paced and the whole idea about the "nexus" was so intriguing that I wanted to know more about it and how it worked.

In it, you will meet a bunch of likable characters. My favorite? Kade and Sam. I'm sure everyone has different likable characters but those were my two. Sam, boy, did she have an awful past. I felt so bad for her when some of her secrets came out. It definitely made me fall in love with her character even more.

Then there's Kade, who was kind of a bad ass. He was dealing with Nexus more, because he was trying to improve this drug. Honestly, this nexus drug seemed intense because it links minds. I have no idea how I would be able to handle that but it was an interesting concept to read about.

After all of that, the ending of this book has kind of made me hooked for the next book. I just want to know what's going to happen next with all of these characters.