A review by hollidayreadswithme
Where She Went by Gayle Forman


“I had to regain my Y chromosome” That’s what Adam said when he was trying to stop crying. Are we being serious right now? We have to stop saying that crying and expressing emotion is not manly.

I’m not sure what I expected from this. I would say that it’s a waste of 6 hours but I listened to it double speed so it was around 3.

Let’s talk about this as a stand alone book because I watched the movie but didn’t read the book. As a standalone book, I don’t like it. But I don’t like because I am not understanding we keep doing this. He is thrown into depression and self sabotage when the girl he’s dating just vanishes. Why do we keep thinking it’s romantic when people can’t let go?

I think this is going to be my last foray into YA fiction. It’s just too hard. It takes itself so seriously. I understand that this is a very serious topic, but Adam just came off as needy, whiny and ungrateful. He’s supposed to be in his late twenties, but it’s only been three years...Wasn’t he 19 when the first book happened? I’m confused. Moreover, I don’t understand why he won’t go solo. If he’s writing all of the songs and they don’t like him, why is he putting himself through that? Maybe afraid of being alone?

The insecurity in this book is astounding. Adam, get a therapist. He doesn’t deal with his issues and then put it on Mia to fix his awful ego. That’s what was damaged with her leaving him high and dry and no, you don’t owe anyone an explanation after your entire family dies. We have to stop that too, the implication here is that he is owed something just because he was by her side at the hospital. He said he would let her go and then doesn’t.

Spoiler Mia hating him should have been the end. If I could rewrite the ending of the book, I would have Adam working on another album with the help of a therapist, who would hopefully let him know that the world doesn’t stop just because he’s sad. When he lost his temper with Mia and is yelling at her on the ferry? I was not okay with that. Why are we teaching young girls that it’s good to stay with people who don’t do the right thing?

It was a quick read. I’m not mad at it...Okay I am but I’ll still give it 2 stars.

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