A review by penny_literaryhoarders
Call of the Curlew by Elizabeth Brooks


Truly, a 3.5 star book.

Atmospheric at times, too loose in others and I felt the switches from 1941 to 2015 were too quick, so did not allow for real meaty development of the suspense or of the story - of Virginia's story and very loose and not a strong sense to the "What happens next is something Virginia will regret for the next seventy-five years, and which will change the whole course of her life."
Because, truly, it doesn't happen "next" and there isn't a strong development of changing the course of her whole life - because that is never fully discussed or developed. It comes about at the very, very end of the book, so definitely not regrets we hear of over the seventy-five years. Am I babbling? Not making sense?

It was a good story, a good debut, but there were a few wobbles for me, or too many loose developments/not fleshed out as much as I would have thought there should/would be - there is an overall sense of just that little something is missing to really pull this together to be a strong 4-star read.