A review by kellybrocklehurst
Happy Birthday to Me by Brian Rowe


Happy Birthday to Me is, in one word, fun. Once I started reading it, I didn't want to put it down.

The characters were awesome. I think my favorite was Wes; I had a little crush on him. Cameron was great. Sometimes I was annoyed with him, especially when he was pining after Charisma, who was clearly not good enough for him, but mostly, I was rooting for things to go his way. I was really able to feel his emotions throughout the novel, especially toward the end. I loved the person he was by the end of the novel.

Speaking of Charisma, I hated her. I love having characters to hate, because it means the author has done his/her job in creating characters I feel passionately about, even if I don't actually like the character. Brian Rowe definitely achieved that with Charisma. I thought I was going to hate Mrs. Gordon, too, and the way she was portrayed as a librarian. I definitely didn't like her, but the librarian portrayal wasn't too bad. It didn't up being as stereotypical as I was afraid it was going to be, once Cameron got to know her better.

Everything about Happy Birthday to Me is awesome: the story, the writing, the characters. I loved every minute of it, and I can't wait to read Happy Birthday to Me Again.