A review by mkelizabeth
dinosaur therapy by James Stewart


I bought this for a friend for Christmas (and I really hope they’re not on my Goodreads), and I decided to read the first couple pages before I wrapped it. Well, I could not put it down and ended up finishing the book.

Everyone needs to read this. Literally everyone. No excuses.

You might be reading this review and thinking, “No, I don’t think it’s for me.” Yes it is it is for you. It is for everyone and you need to read it and you need to trust me when I tell you that you need to read it.

I never thought that I would ever say that I have felt almost every emotion in the book (pun intended) over the course of a 25 minute period reading dinosaurs talking in comic form. But I did. And you need to feel that too.

So please, do yourself a favour and go out and buy it whether it be on online or preferably support local at On Paper Books. Please just trust me, you need this. And yes, I am still gifting the copy I just read but I will be buying myself another one (and I will be tabbing all the pages).

12/5 stars.