A review by zimebelle
Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon


One thing that I really didn't care for, and maybe for anyone who recently read Son of No One and Dragonbane, pretty much pages 153-314 are pointless. For real, go ahead and skip right to it. You have permission. They happen during said books and are almost word for word with a handful of sentences from Illarion thrown in. (I even grabbed my copy of Son and looked through it to make sure that I wasn't making this up in my mind, but no it's verbatim) They're not even from his point of view but rather read from the characters in said previous books making it feel more disjointed and like a direct cut n paste. It doesn't add anything to the story of this book, but does give the sense of time passing, grounds it into the series, and shows/ reminds of the sequence of events. (But again, if you've recently read them, or even vaguely remember them feels kind of pointless).

That being said I liked it and probably would have felt better if it was just a novella of Illarion's story. Great read (for those 180 pages) and can't wait for the next (that is set hopefully after this and not the same events to be read for a third time.)