A review by bookbeforeuleap
Eudora Honeysett is Quite Well, Thank You: The most feel good, page-turning and joyful fiction book of 2020! by Annie Lyons


Eudora is an 85 year old lady who is suffering the common aliments of old age and has decided she has had enough and wants to leave this world on her terms then the ever inquisitive Rose moves in next door and Eudora's life begins to change. Flicking between the present day situations Rose gets her involved in and insights into her past really help understand Eudora's character and why she behaved in certain ways.

This book tackles some serious issues such as loneliness, grief and friendship, in the most unlikely of places. The dynamic between the elderly woman and the young girl was a pleasure to read, it made me laugh, cry and have hope for the future.

The audio was excellent and really helped add to Eudora's sense of dignity and properness.

Fans of a man called Ove will definitely enjoy this one!

Thank you to One More Chapter for my copy and spot on the fantastic readalong of this one, I will definitely be recommending it to friends.