A review by littleladyluna
A Memory Between Us by Sarah Sundin


Ruth Doherty is trying so hard to be the perfect example of a virtuous woman as she nurses wounded soldiers back to health. She refuses to date, preferring instead to leave work and going to write letters to the many brothers and sisters she is supporting back home in the States. She hopes that if people see how virtuous she is now, they won't ask questions about her past. One thing she didn't count on is Major Jack Novak. When Jack is wounded in the line of duty, he is fortunate enough to have Ruth as his nurse. Jack becomes determined to be the one to break Ruth's "no dating" rule and make her fall in love with him. He makes a plan to overcome all of her objections, but isn't aware of the things that have happened in her past that she refuses to let go of and be happy.

We met Ruth briefly in A Distant Melody when she tried to talk some sense into Walt and get him to confess to Allie how he felt about her. It was nice to get the chance to explore her character deeper in this novel. For some reason, I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first in the Wings of Glory series. The characters were still fascinating, the writing was still great, and the message was still perfect, but I liked Melody better. Now, don't get me wrong, this is still a great book. Even though it is the second in the series, it would be fine read on its own, although knowing the background of the characters does make it a bit more interesting. Once again, Sundin shows her prowess at describing the WWII details without getting carried away and bogging you down in descriptive language. She also continues to create books that are inspirational and interesting rather than preachy. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the last book in the series, Blue Skies Tomorrow.