A review by emilyctrigg
Hiccups: Fun Stories by Miguel Martinez-Joffre



Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

Hiccups is a compilation of 4 short stores with unrelated characters. Each mini-story involves a duo--these duos range from a deputy and sheriff to a boy and his friend who is a hippo alien.

Parts of the stories were cute and funny, but overall I was just confused. Whos is the audience for this graphic novel? The tone was pretty juvenile, but some of the jokes and the context would make sense for a much older audience. But that being said, I don't think many teens or young adults would enjoy this a ton since it does read so young.

I think the story about the sheriff and deputy was the best one-- it reminded me some of Spongebob and Patrick which was a nice blast from the past for me.

So while I did enjoy that story for the most part, I would say that overall this just wasn't for me. I don't think there's anything particularly bad about it-- I just didn't personally enjoy it.

If you like silly cartoons and think this might work for you, I would definitely recommend you check it out!