A review by amadeusvrl
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight


These clippings capture the most significant and thought-provoking passages from the books I have read, allowing me to revisit and reflect on them later and you to assess the depth of the author's insights, the clarity of their writing, and the overall value of the book's content:

"Fear of failure, I thought, will never be our downfall as a company. Not that any of us thought we wouldn't fail; in fact we had every expectation that we would. But when we did fail, we had faith that we'd do it fast, learn from it, and be better for it."

"I've spent a fair portion of my life in debt. As a young entrepreneur I became distressingly familiar with that feeling of going to sleep each night, waking up each day, owing many peoole a sum far greater than I could repay.
Nothing, however, has made me feel quite so indebted as the writing of this book."